Hinweis für meine deutschsprachigen Leser: Mit Rücksicht auf die internationale Snap!-Community ist diese Seite auf Englisch. Es gibt aber von mir ein deutschsprachiges Buch Optische Täuschungen animieren für Dummies Junior.
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Optical illusions are fascinating in several aspects. They often show surprising boundaries of our perceptual system. On the other hand, it is a quite challenging task to program a (preferably animated and interactive) representation of them. There are a great many books with collections of optical illusions that have been put together again and again. The presentation in the books is inevitably static. On some websites there are also animated presentations, but in the rarest cases these are interactive controllable (a first overview can be found on the page Online sources).The question then arises, why another website? My goal is to build up a collection of animated, interactive optical illusions. They are programmed with Snap!, a visual programming environment. Among the examples you will find many „classics“, which have been known for a long time, but also some new ones, which mostly originate from current research on perception psychology.
The focus is on the programs with which the optical illusions are presented on the screen. The collection is structured according to visual characteristics such as form, size, colour or movement. The writing of such a program must always be preceded by a careful analysis of the phenomenon. Thus you learn a lot about the phenomenon itself almost incidentally during the technical implementation of the program.
This page will be updated continuously, so it is worth visiting from time to time!
Hint: Parts of these Opticals-pages were translated with the help of translate.google and www.DeepL.com/Translator